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О себе
Any game offline activation for $1 only!
Free reactivation.

Steam offline activation (my own account):
Dirt 5 (Amplified Edition)
Maneater (Apex Edition)

Uplay offline activation (my own account):
Trials Rising (Gold Edition)

Origin offline activation (my own account):
Need for Speed Heat (Deluxe Edition)
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered

* Note: Up to 5 activations allowed in one day, then need to wait 24 hours.

Account rent (my own account):
Price for 14 days
* You get my own user credentials and can play in singleplayer and multiplayer mode.
Anthem (Legion of Dawn Edition) - $2.5
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 (Standard Edition) - $5
The Division 2 Warlords of New York (Ultimate Edition) - $5
The Crew 2 (Gold Edition) - $5
Ghost Recon Breakpoint (Ultimate Edition) - $5

How does the activation works:
You just have to download Team Viewer for remote control and Skype for communication.
After the payment, you have to give me the Team Viewer ID of your computer and the password, then I will remotely activate the game you chose.
You can download the game directly from the launcher.

Payment method: Paypal
Contact me:
Skype: yoni7343
E-mail: yonatanstricker55@gmail.com
Phone: +972507972958
Вид принимаемой валюты
Paypal Credit Card
Для просмотра дополнительной контактной информации войдите на сайт

Был в сети: Для просмотра войдите на сайт


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Список игр продавца:

Игра Цена ($ \ руб.) Регион активации Другие продавцы
$1 \ 74 руб.ВЕСЬ МИР
$1 \ 74 руб.ВЕСЬ МИР
$1 \ 74 руб.Epic Games Store


Продавцов: 183
Покупателей: 8251
Отзывов: 6525


Всего игр с Denuvo: 121 (Steam) + 10 (Epic)
В продаже на сайте: 132 (Steam: 123; Epic: 9)
Games from Windows Store: 14 / 14
